Thursday, December 17, 2009

Have a happy

Look at all we have to be grateful for! We are very close to passing health care reform that will make the insurance industry and Big Pharma even richer than they are right now, thanks so much to our two-faced, double-dealing President. Oh, but don't give him all the credit. Traitor Joe the Blivet Lieberman -- insurance agent extraordinaire -- also gets a big shitload of credit, too. So do the heroic fear-mongers -- the teabags and The Craziest Man on Fox and In The World.
But not as much credit as is due our sterling President.
Just consider the pure artistry: after promising to bring the workings of government out into the open, he makes secret deals with Lieberman's paymasters. After calling bankers Fat Cats -- too gentlemanly to call them what they really are (what real cats leave in the litter box) -- he grins and plays Let's Make a Deal with them.
Just the revelation that the surge in Afghanistan is really about India and Pakistan and is actually expected to involve our national and (even bigger) private armed forces for a decade or more is resounding proof of the man's honesty.
That's why I voted for him . . . isn't it?

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