Saturday, June 21, 2008

One more step

The Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives, soon to be followed by the Democratic leadership in the Senate, has now qualified itself to occupy space next to the neo-conservative movement on the trash heap of history. The new FISA "compromise" is an unspeakable travesty which carries us one more step down the dark path to fascism. When I ask myself how people we sent to Congress in 2006 could even consider amnesty for telecoms, I very stupidly keep forgetting that they are bought and paid for by (among other commercial monsters) telecoms.
Well, thank God for Obama!
After coming out seemingly strongly against amnesty, he caved, too.
We are what we are, I suppose -- and thus apparently we will remain. Perhaps we'll muddle through one way or another once again.
But there is an end to muddling as surely as there is an end to oil.